hi... i'm gumbii from the city of bell gardens... been growing orchids for about 10 years now... i've had great success, but every time i go through serious family problems, i let them die...

but i'm back at it and in full force...
right now i have some epidendrum, epiphylum, some phals, some oncidium, a dendrobium and some cattleya... i recently found some mini vandas that i thought were lost and mounted them...
i'm here to check my facts... i'm starting a youtube channel and part of it will showcase orchids... don't worry, i won't be a walking advertisement for my channel... LOL... that annoys me and i'm sure it does the same to you fine folk...
i also grow nice flowering succulents... mostly stapeliads... they're my thing... i have a ton of them...
well, i hope i get welcomed in this board, and hope to share my limited knowledge and gain some from you fellow growers...
thank you...