Hi to everyone here, my real name is De'Andrea.

I live on the edge of West Texas about 65 miles north of Abilene. That's about 200 miles west of the Dallas/Ft Worth area.
I just joined very early this morning while at work. My hubby & I are correctional officers at a maximum security prison unit close to Abilene. We have been there for 10 yrs now working the night shift. Hubby will retire some time this yr. I will strive for retirement in about 5 yrs. We have one son & daughter-n-law who live in Alaska along with our 5 grandkitties, grandhamster & grandchinchilla.

(Daughter-n-law isn't able to have human kids)
I became a new orchid Mom recently. I have 6 at the present time and yes like many here as I have already read, I am ever on the lookout for another "orchid child" to add to my nest.

All 6 of my recent purchases were from local chain stores. They are all Phalaenopsis of varying colors. I have been eyeing some of the more ~advanced in keeping~ species online. I'm pretty sure at some time in the future a few of them will find their way to my door.
My other hobbies are my dogs, parrots for the moment (health issues are prompting me to find homes for my feathered friends) and my weaving & spinning (amateur stage with this still). I did a Google search to find this forum, read several threads and thought how nice and comfortable this place feels. I will be doing a lot of reading here on the great info ya'll offer to us newbies. I have done a lot of watching videos lately too on the proper care of orchids. Some of the videos I must say I can already tell I won't be following their advice, many are very helpful.
Thanks for having me here and

to everyone!
Had to come back here and reveal that the obsession for more orchids has already grabbed me. Last night after I posted my intro thread I went on to read quite a few threads in various forum sections. While I was happily reading posts on one particular thread I saw in the signature area of one of the senior members a link to his orchid site. Curious I went over to "just have a look" and ~fell in love~ with all that he had to offer. Since I couldn't afford everything, I narrowed it down to 6 beauties. These are new species to me that I can't readily buy locally in my area.
Now I wait and hope that my orchid babies have not already been snatched up by someone else before I found them. I did get am email confirming the sale is pending. I know it is the weekend and the final sale will not take effect til next week. So, while I wait I shall flood my brain with as much info about the care of my new orchid kids as I can find. I'm confident I can find just about everything I need to know right here within these exceptionally knowledgeable walls from all of you super folks who have walked the path I'm heading down.