I joined today and am very excited to dive into these forums. I primarily have epiphytic cactus but have been bitten by the orchid bug and can't seem to stop checking out every garden centre, HD and grocery store to see what I may take home .
Great to have you here Dale. I also have grown (down to one now) epihytic cacti but also have 4-5 true cacti. I have found they go "ape" over the fertilizer/water regime of orchids! I had one (Parodia mairana) in constant bloom all summer. Very unusual for cacti of any sort. Well, great to have you here and hope you just jump into the discussions. You aren't that far from me. I used to go right by there on way to New York State when my in-laws were alive.
HD is a great place to find orchids. Around here, I don't think anyone knows how to care for them, so it is a little heart wrenching to see their condition at times. They tend to put them right by the automatic doors and drafts are deadly to them. I like to get there when they first arrive and save one or two from those drafts.
Welcome Dale!!!! kiki