Hello everyone.
Thanks for having me. I am excited to join such an informative site with such knowledgeable people. I am an avid gardener, but sort of new to Orchids (that aren't Phalenopsis) I had a nice collection before a fire (Weed Ca) that destroyed over 100 homes. I have moved since then and have started a new collection with more species. I have also just recently joined the American Orchid Society and my local (Humboldt County) society. In fact my first meeting is this Thursday. I have branched out to Oncidium, Odontoglosum, Cymbediums and Paphiopedilums. We have a few amazing local growers here. The area is pretty mild here and as I am very close to the ocean humidity isn't much of an issue. I'll be posting pictures of my original and new babies. As soon as I figure out how!!!
I just wanted to say thank you for having me. I can't wait to learn more. I know I already have lots of questions.