I'm a guy living in South Korea, with a little bit of obsession with plants, esp. orchids.
I actually started growing orchids only recently, about three years ago, starting with a beautiful yet indomitable Den. moniliforme.
During childhood, my family received several pots of Cyms and Neofinetias (now Vandas) as a gift, but none of us had a experience and knowledge of growing them and...you guessed it! We killed them all outright. Since then, the word orchid has became a synonym of the most difficult living thing on the Earth to me: I avoided growing orchids as much as possible.
But one day...from a shop in the local flower market, I found something that instantly caught my attention: a little Dendrobium with white flowers so pure and fragrant that instantly win my heart. Without thinking twice, I grabbed the pot, paid the price, and came home.
I had some doubt and fear, that I might kill it like those I've killed in my childhood...but surprisingly, the little venerable Dendrobium kept growing and growing...and burst into dazzling display of white flowers the year after! I was so exhilarated! AN ORCHID. HAS. SURVIVED AND BLOOMED!! UNDER MY CARE!!!
From then, I began to collecting orchids...I've killed some of them due to stupid mistakes...but now I can say for sure: the orchids are one of the most resilient plant in the world.
I now have a little collection about 30 orchids in my little balcony. I usually prefer fragrant ones but if the form is interesting I don't mind if it was hybrid.
PS: the pic is the my very first Den. moniliforme in full of bloom from last year. I forgot to give it a proper cold winter rest and only very few flowers has bloomed in this year.
I won't make that mistake again.