Greetings from Bay Area
A brief summary of my plant interest:
Started with Japanese maples, then conifers since Japanese maples aren't evergreen and I wanted something to look at all year. After going to hawaii, I got into proteaceae, such as queen protea and leucadendrons. This got me interested in australian natives so I obtained banksia, then hakea. Purchased a brugmansia online after seeing a few grown near me. Then from the same website I purchased other plants including a macleania insignis, which got me collecting neotropical blueberries. Epiphytic blueberries led to potting materials which are also used for orchids, which is how I started looking at orchids.
I use a small grow tent, with an ultrasonic humidification system I put together and led grow light, for high humidity plants (around 60- 70 percent). I only have a couple orchids growing outside, (dendrobium, stanhopea) since I have way too many plants and not enough space. I have only been looking at orchids that can grow outside for most of the year, anything for my grow tent would have to be high humidity, warm growing, and ultra miniature.
So that's me, hopefully says enough.