Hi again. I'm just starting the forums and exploring it. Not really used to techno-talk so be patient. I'm new to all this and sometimes when I try to add something or ask a question nothing comes out.
On the orchid side I hve all my Milts and Paphs re-potted, except for three I found this morning as I was watering. Next project will be the mini-catts and Oncidium types. I know it is a bit early in the "spring" but I'm housebound at the moment -- sub-zero weather and some snow -- and not much else to do, and I'll be too busy later on as the gardening season picks up again. I'll have questions I'm sure as I become more proficient using the forums. Best regards, Nick
Welcome to The Orchid Board !
How cold is it in Montana?
I feel I'm cold now and it's only 50
here in Texas.
Go ahead and repot your plants as
you have the time. I'm not such a
stickler of certain times to repot.
Plus as spring rolls around I will also
be out in my gardens.
Welcome to The Orchid Board !
How cold is it in Montana?
I feel I'm cold now and it's only 50
here in Texas.
Go ahead and repot your plants as
you have the time. I'm not such a
stickler of certain times to repot.
Plus as spring rolls around I will also
be out in my gardens.
We were about -4 here last night but my thermometer at home says +14 at the moment and prediction is for around 20. It was much colder at highter evelvations -- Butte was around -20 or lower the last few days but they are also 5300 feet. Then we are to get some warmer nights -- above zero -- at least the next few days. Hopefully it wont' get to 50 until late March or April as it messes up my dormant periods in the garden, but at the moment it sounds nice. Nick