I just wanted to drop by and introduce myself!
I'm a 48 yr old female living in the Pac NW USAwho really loves orchids, especially cattleyas! (Although I recently bought a bulldog type paph which I really like.)
This looks like a great forum. Hope to be chatting with many of you in the months and years ahead!
hi cattjenn, to the OB.
if you have any of your orchids please show us, we love .
The people on this board are really nice and friendly, so dont hesitate to ask any questions that you may have.
Glad you can join us at the OB
Does your love of catts also include laelia and sophronitis?
These are species catt (alliance) orchids that I have really come to
Do you have the floofy catts? Catt hybrids?
Tell us more and don't forget those s
Hi everyone,
My camera is needs new batteries, so I can't show any pics, though I would like to!
I like all kinds of catts, and anything related to them, so that would include the sophs and laelias. I love the flloofy hybrids especially. They are so fun!
Thank you for the friendly welcome!