Dear all,
A very happy New Year to everyone!
Growing up I would always remember orchids by color and fragrance only! Very little about growing them or which class of species they belong to. They are my favourite type of flowers and I am constantly surprised on visiting our flower market how many hybrids there are.
The other day we were visiting my husband's parents and I decided to help by watering an indoor orchid plant sitting next to the tv. My mother-in-law stopped me before I could water the orchid even further by saying "they're fake!!!" Of course then, I had to clean up the water drops on the tv stand!

In my defence those purple orchids, or should I say the moth orchids, looked real but it was then too obvious when I notice that there were no lingering fragrance.
Alas, this starts my journey on growing orchids! I've co-adopted my mum's garden patch because she is a natural at growing all sorts of abundant flora and fauna and because having a small balcony doesn't give much room to expand our ideal oasis of orchids that we hope to grow for real!
I've been reading a lot of threads in the forum in hope of picking everyone's brain on their successes with growing these beautiful flowers!