I have two orchids from proflowers. They are both Phalaenopsis. Or are they Phalaenopi?
One was exposed to the cold during shipping and lost the 6 large buds the leaves seem ok. the other plant arrived with 2 very nice blooms and 4 buds, one of the other bud has already opened.
Who can tell me about "cracked pots, air, light and watering. I will think about the other stuff later.
thanks for the advise.
That gives you the basics about air, light, watering, and potting. If something doesn't make sense, just ask! We'd love to see some photos of the one you've got in bloom!
Welcome to the OB! I am sure you will find many answers here to your questions.
If you could post pictures of your plants someone should be able to give you advice as to what to repot in etc.