Deaf orchid lover from Tampa, Florida USA
Hi to all Orchidlovers.
HI, This is DeafOrchidLover. I did bought myself couple of orchids more than 10 years ago, and it didn't survived. Too much loving and too much water.. I made a promise that I wouldn't buy other one but My mom gave me big white moth flower orchid past May 10, 2014. I was very stunned, nervous, surprised and kinda hesitated but she insisted me to try. Had it since May 10th, it sprout out couple nice new leafs... Big relief knowing that I can take care and keep it alive... Big ya ya ya!
My paphiodelium, I got it since July 5th and its bud is starting to open recently and it's verrry slow...It's paph maudiae red. ... Yes I do leave it outside but inside is screen porch. I end up buying more, I have 11 orchids, right now. Yes, I do have serious orchid bug! One is Dendroium anosmum(baby orchid, about 6 inches tall), brassovola cordata(baby orchid, too), paph maduaie red( it's bud is starting to bloom, very slow growth), and two phal species(bellina 'blue tawian x 'blue krull' and vorecia alba) and 4 phals.
Reasons why I want to join this forum, I am very open to learn anything, a to z, and of course, general terms of orchids families. Didn't realize that there are many which made my mouth dropped...
My husband is in love with deep fragrance cattleya orchid. I am thinking about get him one on father's day next year...
This winter is coming up, and I am a lit nervous about keeping orchids alive inside the house. I know its orchids doesn't like cold. My plan is during the day it's gonna be like 73-75 and at night it will be 65 degrees. Yep, my first winter with those chids.
There is a orchid show/sale coming up in Orlando this weekend. I can't hardly wait to go there... Rubbing my hands, ohh I can't wait. And need to get my mom a late birthday gift. I'm thinking about get her brassovola, since it's very forgiving plant. She does have 5 phals and one paph and bringing them south to enjoy Florida weather for winter. She has one big purple month for like , hmmm, I would say about 20 years. She and her husband will be driving south from New England for winter home in Florida tomorrow afternoon. Please pray for their driving safe to their winter home. Thank you very much!
Alrite! Hope ya all have a good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night.
God bless,
P.s. I do talk very well and know sign languages... winks. Forgive my English grammar
P.s.s. Since I joined this form like a week ago, and kept forgetting to introduce myself to ya all.
DeafOrchidLover aka Karen. That's my name, Karen.
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