Hi, I'm located in Blacksburg and have been to one meeting of the Blue Ridge society. It's a bit of a hike for me, though, and it's rare that my husband would be home in time to take care of our daughter before I'd have to leave for Roanoke. They seemed like a good bunch of people, though. I was hoping more people in the NRV were on here but I guess not

My collection is now four plants, all phals. One mini, which hasn't rebloomed yet; one albans which always puts out two stalks which have one or two flowers each; my original purple-spotty phal from Home Depot which always puts out a single spike with about five flowers that last a good while; and a new purple-stripy from the grocery store (Val's Day gift from my husband) which still has its two spikes full of flowers. Evidently, they really like the spot in my daughter's room where they overwinter

Come warm weather, they get set out on a table in the front yard, which is mostly shady.