Lol, interesting start

Well, I have been lurking for a week or so, and read hundreds of posts, looked at pics, and I'm really happy to be a new member here. Thanks to Rosie for helping me out
I understand I need some more posts before I can post pics, soooo here we go

I've never managed to keep plants alive, even though I like them- but somehow orchids have been able to survive in my home. Always had a thing for those beauties. But only had a few, since I always kill them…
How I ended up here? Well, I havent been paying attention to my plants for years, got tired of killing plants. My hubby managed to keep some orchids alive, the funny part is that he hasnt done anything special, they have been in the same pots for years, and he just fills the pot with water, then waits for it to dry (maybe two weeks) and then he refill. Kinda like semihydro, only they are in bark- roots all rotten. But: somehow the rotten roots have kinda become like bark, and the plants actually survived for years, I think some are five years atleast. (Some have of course died due to overwatering over the years)
Suddenly I "saw" the plants, maybe a couple of weeks ago. I noticed how beautiful and special they are, charming in all their wilderness. Oh yes, they have most certainly gone wild

I decided to care for them, and I soon fell in love with them all, started reading- ended up reading a lot here. I need to repot most of them, have repotted a dendrobium, gonna see how that goes. Problem is, I have to take it easy- cause I dont want to shock 'em, and I want the nature in each plant to be as it is. You'll see what I mean when I can post pics. So some are gonna need a bigger pot, some need a wooden basket for all their air-roots to be free. One has two keiki growing on it- and one keiki is even blooming, that one I just put a branch in to support the keiko while I'm thinking what to do. One has grown next to its pot- sideways, think it likes to grow that way, so not gonna force them to grow straight up.
And of course I have bought a couple more… Couldnt help it

Dont have that many (not yet, atleast), a total of 9 orchids. Looking forward to getting to know people in here, read, learn, yeah- you know, just enjoying these plants.
Oh- me? Female, married, kids, 29+ years
And bad english is either typos cause I'm on my phone now, or cause its not my language- or both