Beginner enthusiast from Sydney, Australia
Impressive orchid site. Have already paid up for a year's subscription. I am a novice enthusiast, only really starting growing orchids in the past 2 years, although I've always been fascinated and surrounded by orchids growing up in Malaysia. I still remember monstrous Vandas growing on nothing but massive chunks of coal or smashed brick.
Currently fascinated by Paphs and reading Braem's Paphiopedilum. Fascinating story of competing politics by the early collectors.
Still variable success with my orchids. Tend to buy ones which are too young on eBay, and end up killing them from over-watering, over-fertilising, over everything. i.e. I can't leave them alone. An ongoing struggle.
Looking forward to learning from the pros here. Have already come across some really good posts, including debate about elemental supplementation! Bring on the science!
PS I'm a pathologist by trade, and also am involved in translational cancer research. The diversity of orchids appeals to my nerdy side.