Hi Luxus I will be posting a few pictures as I found a new buddy that is full size but is a beautiful noid orchid.
I wish Loews would leave on the names here also so I would know what I have. I also found a few small mini orchids also Phals noids that I picked up yesterday evening. They were on the clearance rack and I don't know what color or anything they are as they have finished blooming and was marked down.
I figured they need a good home to and I will learn using them. I repotted in bark mix with perlite and a bit of moss tossed in. Placed it to soak up some water then placed it in a little glass candle holder from the dollar store. I added some stones on the bottom and around the pot into the candle holder. I also added just a little water to the bottom of the candle holder to give it some humidity.
I also picked up a tester that lets me see the light and moisture and the ph also. So I should make my new little family happy in the coming months by not over watering them.

Nik, thanks for the warm welcome.