Hi OrchidBoard!

I joined this forum recently and I think it's time to introduce myself. I have been growing orchids for about 2 years now and I'm still a beginner learning everyday.
It all started when my mom brought home this white phal. When the blooms all dropped I decided to repot it. Knowing nothing about orchids I repotted it in a regular potting soil. It thrived for a few months in the soil and even grew a new leaf which doesn't look like the rest of its leaves (it's a bit flimsy and pointy). So within those few months and after that new leaf came in it was not doing anything and it started looking bad. So I did some research (which I probably should've did when I first got it). I found out that potting soil was not good for it so I went out and bought orchid bark. When I repotted it I found that most of the roots had rotted and only about 4 good roots were left. Since the repot it has grown many new roots and 3 new leaves

From this experience, I have learned so much and has sprouted my orchid obsession. I currently have 10 orchids, 9 of them being phalaenopsis and the one being an Oncidium. I hope to expand my orchid collection with more varieties and a better growing environment in the future. Happy growing!!