hi all,..

i'm from medan indonesia.
this is my first year of growing orchid.
so far i have about 100 something orchids,.. 70 percent hybrid, 30 percent species,... (the species collection going to grow more rapid)
so far i've never killed any, but i want to learn more...
also want to ask if fellow indonesians know information about where i could find orchids i can't find ...
i like the orchid species from australia (the grass is greener on the other side), but i can't find anyone selling it here,...
other than that,... i'm very much interested on looking at orchids with problems, so maybe if that ever happens to me, i could recognize it early and will know what to do straight away,...
but so far i'm being careful about the preventions, been googling, reading research, videos, asking sellers what they do to their orchids, people, hopefully my orchids stays healthy forever and don't have to experience anything bad,....
so ,.. hope this forum also be a good sharing experience,..