I definitely realize I'm hooked... I just fell in love with Cattleya luteola when I saw it for sale. It also seems like it would fit in well (and be small enough for my headboard where the others live). I promised my wife I wouldn't add to the collection for a while though. <pout> She says I'm as bad about orchids now as our 14 year old son is about Minecraft and his other game I can't remember the name of this evening. She even told me to stop talking to her about them and make him listen since he makes us listen to him.
Last edited by Kari_Stein; 05-15-2014 at 12:38 AM..
......She even told me to stop talking to her about them.......
I haven't been told to stop talking about them yet BUT I see the BF's and my Daughters eyes glaze over when I bring up my babies. However, my daughter mentioned yesterday that she saw some "pretty girls" in her Walmart and wondered if they'd do well on her bathroom windowsill...... The seed has been planted.
Last edited by CeilidhTime; 05-21-2014 at 09:42 AM..
Room is a bit tough since we are five people in a three bedroom apartment. We four (myself, wife, two sons) share with a friend who's a disabled vet since we needed a place in town and he needed someone to help with the rent, transportation, cleaning,etc. He's been a friend for years and has no family available, so this helps everyione except when we have a long term project requiring space... like orchids. LOL
Last edited by Kari_Stein; 11-02-2014 at 02:01 AM..