I've posted once or twice, but I thought I'd actually introduce myself.
I've lurked on this page for a while, gathering lots of information. It's been really helpful and informative, so thank you!
I've got five orchids now, one Phal that my mother gave me. I brought it from a small, two-leaf plant to a happy five leaves and throwing its first spike in years.
I recently got three species seedlings for a challenge:
A Stanhopea Oculata that's growing two new pseudobulbs
A Gomesa Crispa thats also growing slowly
And a Renanthera Imschootiana that I'm convinced is just not right for my environment. It's hanging in there, but just not very happy... Gotta try something else.
I also picked up a new small phal that I blasted with too much sun. It's looking happier in a shadier place.
Here are some pictures that I've taken:
I'm always planning my next addition...
Thanks again for a great site!