I've placed a small fan in the room behind a travel humidifier in the hopes of keeping things happy. The PM humidity is up by a noticeable 15-20% now that there is a way to move the mist around. Hopefully this makes it easier for the plants to tolerate the summer mornings in the east window.
Hi there, what's going on in photo number 8 with the berry basket thing and the orchid is in it just hanging out in it's potting medium? I'm new to orchids myself and at the moment have 3 rescues that I suspect need repotting..
Hi there, what's going on in photo number 8 with the berry basket thing and the orchid is in it just hanging out in it's potting medium? I'm new to orchids myself and at the moment have 3 rescues that I suspect need repotting..
You may be better off posting in the "Beginners Discussion" forum. Get up to 5 posts and maybe post some pictures so people can help out better.
Thank you for the welcomes! I suppose I was just trying to ask carbonemissions specifically what is going on with that particular orchid, rather than just ask general advice, but yes, you're right, I should introduce myself to the community first!
Last edited by Lostmythumb; 04-11-2014 at 06:37 PM..
Reason: forgot a word
Hi there, what's going on in photo number 8 with the berry basket thing and the orchid is in it just hanging out in it's potting medium? I'm new to orchids myself and at the moment have 3 rescues that I suspect need repotting..
So when I brought it home the It was packed so tight in sphagnum moss in a flimsy plastic pot that it didn't seem like it was getting enough ventilation. I prefer media that has a lot more breathing room for the roots. Not wanting to shock the plant and have it cast its blossoms to my bathroom floor I cut the pot off and let it hang out open to the air in a strawberry basket with some bark in the bottom. Once the flowers go I will pot it up in a more "personalized" media and it will look normal again. As for now it doesnt seem to mind and it seemed to solve the ventilation issue.