My mother has been successfully tending orchids for over two decades. I have recently joined the family at the ripe young age of 61 (62 in April...not at all ashamed of my age since there is only one alternative to aging).
I have primarily Phalanopsis but have recently added two Oncidium (Sharry Baby and Twinkle), a Miltoniaopsis (NoID) as well as a struggling Cattleya and a Paphiopedilum that I will be posting about later.
I live in the Pacific Northwest (Seattle area). Our home has lots windows that face every direction but South.
Welcome aboard. I have only been growing for 3 or 4 years. Was up to over 200 plants before the "Great Rot of 2013". Starting to add to the collection again now that the worst is HOPEFULLY behind me. Can't wait to see pics!
Welcome to the Orchid Board from the OCRC in China.
I have been a student of studying orchid and an orchid grower for 45 years; and not one day goes by without see or learning something new.
Confession: I can't take credit for the Miltoniopsis. I purchased it 3 weeks ago from an orchid shop. It does appear to be happy has sent up a new spike since I brought it home.