I'm 17 years old (turning 18 in a few days!) and I will be going to UC Davis this fall. I currently live in San Diego and have a moderately sized orchid collection. I originally had 39 plants, but I recently did a late spring cleaning (yesterday, in fact) and now have 26 plants. I secretly hope that I will be able to get a single bedroom for my dorm assignment so that I can bring my orchids along with me

(some people say that I won't have time for orchids since I am studying to become an electrical engineer, but I believe that there's always time for orchids!).
I've always been into gardening and had on and off relationships with orchids until the beginning of this year. The first orchid that compelled me to pursue my interest in orchid gardening was actually my grandma's NOID cattleya. I began on a quest to identify such an exotic plant and was finally able to ID it at a local nursery at the end of January of this year. I had stumbled upon the nursery when I impulsively decided to search the term "Del Mar orchids" and happened upon an orchid nursery a little over a mile away from my house. It was there that I bought my first cattleya: a Blc. Pink Empress. I have been expanding my orchid collection ever since. Although I have been taking care of orchids for only half a year, I feel that I have already gained so much experience. I hope that everyone has as much talent as I did with orchids. They are very rewarding.
Here's a list of what I have:
Blc. Ju Shen "Pink Empress"
Pot. Shinfong Beauty "Tzu Wen Rainbow"
Blc. Mem. Anna Balmores
Blc. Shinfong Luohyang "Golden Tree"
Cattleya NOID (green?)
Blc. Hwa Yuan Grace "Cat King"
Lc. Purple Cascade "Fragrant Beauty"
Lc. Hsinying Excell "NN"
Blc. Pamela Finney "Bigger Ox"
Phalaenopsis NOID (red or pink)
Lc. Taida Swan "Taida"
Big white NOID cattleya
White NOID Dendrobium
White NOID Dendrobium
Purple Encyclia
Pink NOID Phalaenopsis
Pink Mini NOID Phalaenopsis
Purple Dendrobium Species
Oncidium Sharry Baby
Miltonidium Bartley Schwarz "Highlander"
Angraecum Veitchii "M"
Oncidium Wildcat(?)
Lady Slipper Orchid Yellow Species
Oncidium Lanceanum Species
Those marked with a question mark are ones that I'm unsure about either color or name.
Happy gardening!
If you've already seen my recent posts, I'm sorry if you had to read the same post multiple times. I consolidated several of my posts on different threads.