i recently found the joy of collecting orchids. It all started valentines day. I bought my girlfriend a 20$ No id Purple and white Phal at walmart. ... Then i nearly killed it . After much research and viewing these forums as a guest i obtained a lot of information. I soon discovered the magic of orchids and began to enjoy the nurturing aspect of them. I soon foundmyslef begging to get a vanilla plantfolia cutting which my girlfriend got me from amazon it's doing amazing. Now the problem seems to be getting worse in the last few months "her" collection has grown to include a white no id phal. A yellow no id phal , and a red and yellow catteleya . I'm not sure what's happening these things are more addicting than i ever imagined. Well theres my storey just wanted to introduce myself once i get a camera and some time i'll begin posting pictures and start requesing input when necisarry. Nice meeting you all !