Hello everyone. I've been a part of this amazing forum for quite a while now, however, never had the courage to post anything. Nevertheless tonight I have decided to break the ice finally introduce myself. I am almost 27 years old, mother of two amazing kids, a dog and three lovely orchids. My journey in the world of orchids started almost three years ago when I purchased my first orchid at IKEA... this poor baby suffered all tortures unimaginable... poor light, too much water, bud freeze, crown rot and finally as I like to call it suicide! I call it suicide because when I got home i found the crown on the floor as if it tried to run away from me

Since then lots of things have happened: I found this forum, I read tons of books, I watched You Tube videos and absorbed as much info as I could about these amazing plants. I am now the proud owner of an orchid in bloom, a rescued orchid in water culture and.... my very first orchid in spike... I'm so excited about this. I have tons of questions about orchids in spike and I have done already so many mistakes I'm sure I'll be needing lots of help soon. Thank to all