Hello everyone, my name is Amanda and I am kinda new to orchids. They are just the most beautiful orchids in the world, and I have always been intriged by them, but as I read "The Orchid Thief" by Susan Orlean (the movie Adaptation is loosely based on this) I become more and more addicted! I really like Masdevallias, and today I realized that there is actually a subgenus Amanda in this genus. Does anyone know where I can get a Spilotantha amanda? I would really like one.........
Oh yeah, and by the way, I am also infactuated with reptiles! My favorite being Rhacodactylus ciliatus (crested geckos) and I have had my first breeding experience this year. I also own bearded dragons, a leopard gecko and millipedes. I would like to get a miniature dachshund within the next few months.