I'm Doriana and I live in Italy.
I found out this forum on the web and i think it's very interesting.
I have been growing Orchids since March 2005. I started out with a Phalaenopsis, then I have got Dendrobiums, Cattleya and a Vanda. They are wonderful but my problem is .........I don't know their specific names!!!!
Does anybody tell me a good book on orchids nomenclature?
Welcome to the Orchid Board. Glad you were able to join. I don't know any good books on the subject of nomenclature, but you can begin familiarizing your self with Orchidaceae here : Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia
If your plants came without name tags, then unfortunately it will be exceedingly difficult to identify their exact names. But at least you already have their genus names, which is the most important part because now you know how to take care of them.
Also, perhaps this link will help you get started. http://www.orchidboard.com/Orchid-naming
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
Many thanks Tindomul1of9 for the informations you gave me...in the websites you wrote, I found all I was looking for!!!
Many thanks Debs for your welcome!!
Sounds like you've got a nice collection going there We'd love to see some pictures...
of your orchids...and of that beautiful place you live!
I'd love to go there...someday
A big welcome, Doriana. I'm sure you'll enjoy being part of the OB. There are so many knowledgeable growers and so much we can learn! Sounds like you have a good start already and we can look forward to some pictures.
Many thanks for your welcome SusanneB, Shirley and Gloria!
I have also to tell you that i never thougth before to photograph my orchids but now i want make it with the aim to share the beauty of these flowers!!!!
Soon I'll happy to show you some pics.
Hello from Brazil, Doriana! Fell free to ask anything you want. There will always be someone here to help or, at least, to point out a direction! Welcome aboard!
Last edited by Rosim_in_BR; 11-05-2007 at 05:07 PM..