It was a normal Saturday when my wife Marta & I decided to enjoy the cool fall weather while walking around the local flea market.
Just before leaving, we noticed an older gentleman selling orchids. My wife asked if he had any "dancing ladies" and sure enough, he pulled out what I can tell you (now) was an Oncidium, a "Chocolate Dancing Lady" (or Sharry Baby).
Marta's dad, who died a few years ago, grew orchids and was most proud of his "bailadora" (dancing lady in Spanish). I remember him showing off its blooms once when I went over to pick her up.
As a happy memory of her dad, the Sharry Baby went home with us. I read about them on the internet and that same day put up a five-foot shelf in a south-facing window. The plant looked stunning up there, and within a few days, bloomed fabulous cocoa-smelling flowers.
I was hooked. You know, that plant looked lonely in the middle of that long shelf... and once you have to mix up a gallon of orchid food every other week, you may as well... get more orchids.
In two weeks, I had 15.
"Subject: Orchid list
1 Oncidium "Sharry Baby," (lg.)
1 Oncidium "Splendidum," (lg.)
1 Vanda "Ascocenda," (sm.)
2 Cattleyas "white with colored lip," (sm.)
1 Cattleya "splash and two-tone," (sm.)
1 Cattleya "Momilani Rainbow," (med.)
1 Phalenopsis "Alice Girl," (med.)
1 Phalenopsis "Brother Little Yellowboy," (med.)
1 Phalenopsis "unknown- white with little purple spots," (med.)
1 Dendrobium "Karen," (med.)
1 Dendrobium "intergeneric pink," (med.)
1 Dendrobium "intergeneric white," (med.)
1 Epidendrum "Mabel Kanda," (med.)
1 Laelia? "Iwanagara Apple Blossom," (med.)"
Make that 16- added a large Phal. "Wedding Promenade" today (11/3)
Most all of them came from the "big box" stores at half price after flowering; don't know if that's a common trick. $5-10 has gotten most of them, and at least three- the "Karen" Dendrobium and two of the Phals- are about to flower. The small catts were bagged, and the Momilani Rainbow is the most beautiful flower I'd ever seen. $24, but it's still in bloom and smelling wonderful.
Have read the Ortho book, "All About Orchids" and a book written by a man named Hollingsworth, can't remember the book's name.
Cannot wait for my three flowering plants to pop... likely the end of this week, and the Oncidiums are still looking really nice.
Nice meeting you all.