Originally Posted by gingersmommy
Thank you, ladies; I think I get it now. WhiteRabbit, what do you mean by "bump up the thread?" (I know what thread means.)
Threads show in order of most recent posts, so threads with no recent posts fall down in the order. Many of us use the "new posts", or "today's posts" functions to see what's been posted since we were last here - If a post has gotten no replies over several hours (if using "new posts") - or a day (if using "today's posts"), we won't see it. So, if I see a post that is several to many hours old, but has no replies, I make sure to post a comment - just
if it's a question I cannot answer, or a comment on someone's bloom photos - even one word, rather than just "liking" the post (we all want our orchid photos to be seen by others)