Oh yes, a little bit of everything! Catt's, Phal's, Miltoniopsis, Paph's and a few others. I grow under lights in my home so I am limited but so far I think it's somewhere around 300 plants, but who is counting!
My avatar is my first awarded plant. Paph Black Curt 'Dee Stowell AM/AOS, awarded Feb. 2006 at the Greater Lansing Orchid Society show.
I have allot of 4' x 4 tube fluorescents and a dual 500 watt fixture (250 & 250) over the main bench in the main room which faces south, so I also get allot of natural light flitered with sheer curtains. Then in another room a 400 watt HID, then in another room a bunch of racks with 4' x 2 tube fluorescents. Good thing the house is a good size or the orchids would take it over totally.