Hello to all of my fellow Orchid lovers out there. I've just found your site while Googling info for a beautiful gift of a Reedstem Epidendrum Culture my wife brought home from a co-worker just in time for the coldest night of the year ;so far. And not knowing a thing of how it should be cared for even with several years of sucessful reblooming with my Cats & Debs I only knew to keep it indoors bagged and humid til the temps are a bit higher than the 40 degrees or so from last night .Upon further inspection I can see future blooms already formed on 2 of the 3 tips . will post pics as soon as I can . Still waiting for Spring as my tropical garden has taken quit a beating ever since Hurricaine Charlie came to visit in 2004. 5 years in a row with sub freezing temps was too much for many of my tender plants . Although my wife still refers to the garden as "The Jungle " (I can't tell her that was my goal in the first place.) Hopefully; I can learn a bit while visiting here and contribute what works for me ...Have a wonderful Day,