Hi All.
I came across Orchid Board while searching for information on caring for my 2 new orchids. I have a NOID mini dendrobium and a NOID phal. In the past, I've had phals but everyone in the family seemed to love them all to death.
I am originally from Melbourne, Australia but have moved to Singapore for goodness knows how many years now. I've recently picked up my two new orchids and have made it my mission to actually keep them alive. Unfortunately I don't believe I have enough lighting for my mini dend. so he might be finding a new home else where (I only have northern windows in my apartment). My phal was quickly repotted from spagnum to Hydroleca as the high humidity I have makes the stuff stay damp forever.
I have to say that the books I've read and the information I've read throughout the internet have all paled in comparison to the information I can get here so I'm very glad to have come across OB.