Welcome to the Orchid Board!
You will find very informative, very creative, extremely friendly people here who love to answer questions.
There seems to be some debate as whether you can post pics; even some moderators have weighed in and there is still some misunderstanding. I think if you go through the paperclip attachment at the top of the message you can attach right away - I know you cannot list a URL until after 5 posts to do away with spammers. But if you use the attachment icon, you can only load smaller files, maybe one or two pics at a time. Often I get booted out of the download server because the files are too big. If I just load a pic or two it will download them. If you have a large file to download, wait until you can post a URL and do it that way or you will be at it for hours.
That my
Have a great time on the board - hope that Sandy was not too rough on you!
This dance is for you!