Orchid Bug
I caught the orchid bug pretty bad a few years ago, and I'm head over heals in love with them.
When I first got married my wife suggested that we get an orchid because she had one in college that she liked. I've always liked plants and figured it was time that we got a house plant. We picked up a plant at Home Depot and wanting to grow it well I started doing internet research. That was the beginning if the end. For the next two years I spent more time learning about orchids every day (at its height I was spending 2-3 hours a day reading about orchids online) than studying for my university classes. Shortly after I realized I was in the wrong major and switched to botany.
Now I'm focusing on an eventual career in the hobbyist orchid industry. Unfortunately though, the whole atmosphere of the university I attended, rather than putting on the afterburners, was rather tedious, and I found myself being bored with the botany program (which is pretty sad, to be honest, because I love plants, science, and learning). For better or worse I'm on hiatus from school at the moment and may or may not be going back.
My grow environments at the moment consist of two large terrariums, and I'm currently in the process of building my first greenhouse. I just posted pics on my blog orchidementia.blogspot.com