New to Forum - but not orchids
Hello all -
I went 'orchid crazy' back when I was a teenager in 1970, and read everything I could about the topic. In those pre-Internet days that meant going to the library, sending mail requests for catalogues, etc. I pored over the Jones & Scully Orchidglade catalogues and others (still have 'em!).
My first orchid was a C. maxima that I bought mail-order from Orchids by Hausermann in Illinois. Over the years I've always had a few orchids, but until last year, when I built a lean-to greenhouse, I didn't have a good way of overwintering them to satisfaction, and only the hardiest would make it - like my trusty B. nodosa. I've had good luck with a few vandas that I got last year, which love our steamy summer here in Louisiana.
So now I'm experiencing a relapse of orchid fever, & hope to greatly expand my collection. It's been great to get back into orchids!