Wow, I've been looking for a discussion room all summer! I am only now beginning to really read and care for orchids, though I've loved them forever. Never could figure out why they didn't survive. Well, now I have three that I've just transplanted a few days ago, and I've done according to directions and am giving it the proper care.
I'm keeping them out of direct indirect light for a few days, so they can get over the shock of transplant. There were two in one pot, and I had to do some clipping because of root rot potential. I may have packed it a bit tight, but I'm not sure, but I don't want to disturb yet, especially now that I've watered them.
Bought some orchid food (which I bought this before watering). I thought about it, and decided that maybe I should place the pots on a heating pad, which would speed up drying and then I can add the orchid food in a week.
So I went over to altavista and typed in "Can I put my orchids on a heating pad?" How surprised was I to learn that people actually do that to encourage root growth!!
So I'll be setting them up tonight, but I still need to figure out a good temperature, so as to not have it too hot.
Meanwhile, I'm still combing the web, learning about the different kinds (right now I have the most common ones found in Walmarts - Phanies, I call 'em!).
Oh! I live in the midwest, I moved here from Northern California. We just moved into a place where my plants are growing!! My prayer plant and my peace plant are looking totally awesome!!
Downside to living in the midwest? Humidity and plants that called "Annuals."