photo 23:
This is the low light transplant/sick plant area. The orchid (lost the tag and forgot the hybrid) on our front-right had a huge scale infestation that set it back dramatically. Had to individually dab each scale with pure neem. A Doritus orchid that couldn't stand the 700 FC light and/or 90 degree days of the last few months. Also a catt. I had growing very poorly in SH for a couple years so I transplanted to a bark/coco mix and is now doing even worse. The scariest sick plant is the dendro. on the rear right with the spots detailed in the next photo.
photo 11:
This is a closeup up the sick dendro. from last pic. The spots on this one have been growing on the cane since it first appeared. I've seen this in a couple of other dendros from the same nursery but usually it's just an old leaf that develops it and I clip it off. I propagated a clean backbulb off this dendro and it's lead growth has also developed with this spot. I sprayed them with dilute physan 20 tonight. Guessing bacterial.
photo 21:
A phal and some paphs.
photo 20:
Assorted genus in assorted culture. Note worthy is the small Stanhopea in the center. This was a gift I received from a friend a few weeks ago. Brassia-like plant in the back doing wonderfully in SH. Flowers 2-3 times a year and I have divided it into 3 plants every year I've had it.
photo 19:
Some of my dendros and an Aganax that needs a lottt more humidity (I think? Accordion leaves for years) then I can provide.
photo 18:
A nepenthes pitcher plant. I can grow sarracenia just fine but killed my last/first nepenthes. This one I repotted into fresh sphag. It sits on a few inches of hydoton in a glass vase....trying that. Any tips on these?
photo 17:
Vanda in vase culture. Gets about 4,000-7,000 FC of light.
photo 15:
Gram. orchid in full bloom. Beautiful specimen and my only blooming orchid at the moment. I've been blaming that on the orchid room getting to 90-100 during the day the past few months. Not sure, though.
photo 14:
Pendulous dendro that I just love. One question, though: its lead cane just matured and instead of blooming it's shooting out a new cane. Any tips on this?
photo 13:
My Dendro. spectabile. Possibly my favorite plant, but haven't been able to bloom it since I received it in bloom 1.5 years ago. Two huge new canes have matured and it's starting 2 more.
Nice collection! Welcome to the forum! I bought a purple pitcher, a sarc, for pest control but it likely thrives because it eats so well. Mine is in peat, perlite, sand, a little fine bark, and topped by moss. I water with distilled or rain water and it gets cattleya light. It sits in a saucer of water. The pitchers collect water when it rains. It is my only pitcher plant so I am definitely giving the plant credit for its survival.