I am an infant in Orchids. I have had my orchids for a year now and have them outside on our front porch. My problem is that the person I got them from does not have the names of what they are. I have had a problem looking for what the names are online or in books, most pictures you see are just the flowers. Is there anywhere I can look to find out what the plant looks like. I know I have a Sherry Baby.
Sometimes it can be impossible to ID an orchid even if you find pics that look the same. Some have so many that look the same but have different parents and/or lots of unregistered that loom the same that its impossible to tell.
Others can be more distinctive though.
The nest thing is probably to post pics of the flowers in our ID section and people can tell you if its possible to ID.
If not in flower its not really possible to get an id but somebody should be able to give alliance or of lucky even genus.