Hello there... I am new to Orchid Board and am very excited to network with all of you orchid lovers! I have been reading many of the forums for months now and am finally a member

I have 6 phals, 2 Zygos (which were bought together but are now separated), a recently purchased Beallara Marfitch (which I believe to be Howard's Dream, but am not positive yet), and last night, I purchased what I think is an Odontocidium. I am fairly new to the species with pseudobulbs and have been doing a lot of research trying to gather information for a correct care routine. The Beallara was mislabeled as a Miltonia, and had a suspicion that this was not the right flower based on some research. I believe the Odontocidium might be Midnight Miracles. With help from you all and your infinite wisdom, I believe I'm on the right path to pinpointing the correct type of plants
I am honored to be a part of this website... every time I do online research regarding orchids, I find myself returning to this site again and again for the wealth of information and advice it provides. I look forward to talking with you all in the future!