Yeah, it must just be awful there with all that humidty & perfect orchid growing conditions! Did I mention, we really love pictures?
Here is Colorado, I have to keep my little collection of orchids in a glass vault. I think our humidity stays WELL within the single digits. My zone 4, in the mountains, is considered semi-arid, which really makes orchid growing tough. lol
Looking forward to seeing your collections and learning from you.
I actually lived in AZ for 6.5 years, so moving to a more humid environ was definitely a great relief for growing orchids. In fact, I had pretty much given up on orchids in AZ, partly because of the growing conditions and partly because I was an undergrad at UofA. I would like to post pics, but I cant seem to find the area where I can create an album. I see other people have galleries but Im not sure how to create one myself. Could someone drop me a quick hint? I would really appreciate it! Thanks for the help!
Steve, Oahu must be nice, but "Big Island" much bigger! I spent a while there near "Waikobloa" and loved every minute of it. While it might be the "orchid isle" that isn't so true any more. Most of the growers are going bust. I connected with several while I was there and they all said the same thing: "the paperwork is doing them in".