Yes, I'm growing some orchids, but nothing too hard.
Hubrids: 2 Phals, 1 Oncidium, 1 Promenaea, 2 Cattleya, 1 little Grammatophyllum (maybe scriptum var "something"), 1 Phragmipedium,.
Species: Cattleya dowiana, Stanhopea oculata and tigrina, Anacheillum cochleatum, Gongora galeata, Laelia superbiens alba "Maria Claudia", Myrmecophila tibicinis, 2 little Cattleya maxima and schroederae, 2 Schobocattleya Bordighera, and some brand new arrivals:
Paphiopedilum stonei (opening flowers in this moment),
1 Paphiopedilum Prince Edward of York "In-Charm" x Paphiopedilum Lady Isabel "OZ",
1 Paphiopedilum Booth's Sand Lady
and the last guy: Bulbophyllum orthosepalum
everything inside the house, in front of the southern window inside a little plastic greenhouse.
EDIT: adding.. Yes, I've got some victims on my conscience (right expression in english?)