Originally Posted by Bud
Cristiano grows his Vandas outdoors all year round which I envy...I grow my Vandas partly indoors when the frost comes and I put it outdoors in the warmer months out on the fire escape of my apartment...my Mokaras are easily weaned to direct sun but the other Vandacious I still give bright shaded light.
My Vanda luzonica which is my largest and oldest plant got a bacterial infestation early spring when I put it out on the fire escape and maybe the rains washed some pigeon droppings on the roots and got the bacteria...it shrivelled and lost many lower leaves...I put out all my heavy guns (captan...physan...neem oil) the works... it recovered but I hope to bring its glory once again...I know it will take years ...but I will make it a magnificent plant once again.
Oh i forgot to mention Bud; the blooms on my Gordon Dillon (Blue) are finally opening, I will take pics and put in my gallery soon when they are fully opened!
Here is a Hybrid Asco Vanda Semi-terete that has just bloomed. Of course i have the plant growing on the base of my coconut tree in my back yard
Also had to throw in a pic of my V. Merv L. Velthuis x V. Srakaew with its HUUGE 5" blooms!