I don't think there's a post # requirement - I have in the past posted images from image shack - but attaching them is fine, and I find it easier to do. If you'd rather post from image shack, but are having problems, let me know - I'll check if I can, and if so, how
As Sonya says there should not be a post count you need before you can post images. Take a look at the link in my signature for some tips on posting pictures. I don't know imageshack specifically so Sonya can probably help most with any questions specific to that.
Re. embedding pics. I think it was my 2nd post, I couldn't link my imageshack/photobucket stuff in [img] tags. Working now however, thanks for the concern!
Anyone else here grow orchids in water? i.e. aquarium filters:
*Edit: nevermind just saw the semi-hydroponic forum, sorry this board is a little overwhelming!
Last edited by epiphyte0; 05-01-2012 at 11:44 PM..