"welcome" to start off with ^^ dun forget to introduce yourself in the "Breaking the Ice" forum =) orchids are cool and they can be a hobby of a lifetime
did u see any particular orchid u are interested in growing?
Welcome to the OB! Glad you joined. Growing orchids can be a very worthwhile and addicting hobby!
Sounds like you started out right. Making friends and heading to the local orchid group or society in your area is of great help.
I know I have learned tons from mine!
The best way to get your feet wet is to ask lots of questions. Most people are more then happy to share information and growing experiences!
Welcome, Aron! Glad you found us here! You really have started off well - between your local society and all of the orchid addicts here, you'll be building a nice collection in no time at all!
What were the ones that particularly caught your eye so far?
I saw lots that caught my eye, but I am starting out with some phal. I was told they are fairly easy to grow for a beginner who need something that is forgiving. Besides i remember buying them and cimb for my dates in the mid of the last cent.
aboard aron...great that you have joined us here on the OB. A wealth of information awaits but don't hesitate to ask away, our members are more than happy to help you along with your addiction
I'd say start with a healthy Phal, keep it warm and humid, regularly fertilize it, and the plant should do the rest. Thats how it happened for me! It takes a little while to get the hang of it, but you shouldn't have much trouble. good luck!!!