Originally Posted by Phal Gal
I keep calling them Phals, but after reading the NoID thread, I guess they're NoIDs.
So, I put them in clear pots with Orchid Mix. I think they're happy.
I hear a lot of talk about cutting with sterilized scissors and sterilizing the roots. How does one go about sterilizing everything?
If they are Phalaenopsis then they are still Phalaenopsis even if they are a NOID. Phalaenopsis is the genus name. That doesn't change. A NOID means you don't have a hybrid name for it. Which most orchids you buy in grocery stores don't have a hybrid name.
As far as sterilizing, you should sterilize your cutting tool between plants to prevent spreading viruses and other bad stuff. Some people use a flame, some use disposable razor blades and throw them away after using it on one plant, and I use a bleach solution. I soak my tools in a cup of bleach solution in between plants. Before using the tool I rinse the bleach off with water so the bleach doesn't get on the plant. But be carefull, if you keep the tool in the bleach for too long it will ruin them. I don't know what you mean about sterilizing roots, but you don't need to sterilize the roots themselves. Good luck!