Hi! Delurking after roughly a year
Hello OB! I've been lurking here for about a year, probably a bit more, but I've decided it's about time to inch my way out of the woodwork. I've been sticking to the neofinetia falcata threads for the most part.
Orchids have been among my favorite plants for a long time now, but I've only started becoming really obsessed with proper culture in the past year. Right now, I'm on a particularly big craze! My mom and I have been accumulating orchids over the years, mostly phals, oncidiums and dendrobiums. It's usually the happier phals that bloom, while the rest are mostly sitting around, alive, but probably not thriving. (I just repotted a whole bunch, since I know some of them have been sitting in the same medium for years. Probably not the best time of year, but we have to make do since I'm in school.) The ones I consider mine are mostly miniatures. Recently I've been collecting neofinetias, and I'm planning on slippers, pleurothallids, and encyclias. Hopefully I'll be able to care for them properly even at school!
OB is such a great resource, and even as a lurker, I'm falling more and more in love with orchids as I become more exposed to them. I'm looking forward to everyone's guidance as I hopefully interact more in the forums!