Just wanted to introduce myself to everyone!
I am Holly, mommy to a 26 month old baby girl, and a new little one due to arrive in May... oh yeah, and mommy to 18 orchids.
I grew up in central Florida, where orchids were everywhere! My grandmother always kept them, and I always loved them. The first orchid I ever actually owned (A phal) was about 5 years ago, and of course, I killed it.
Well this past fall I decided to give orchids a true shot. Research research research, and here I am 6 months later with 18 babies.
My first purchases were all NOID's from big box stores, alot of them clearance shelf rescues. I have also added several respectable orchids to my collection from a local grower (Jim Elmore of Elmore Orchids - Knoxville TN).
I am happy to say that thus far I have not killed any, and in fact, all my "rescues" from clearance shelves are doing great and setting spikes as we speak.
So, just saying hey to everyone, because you will be seeing alot more of me from now on. I am officially orchid insane.