New here but I have been growing Orchids in my 15ft by 8ft for some 25 years as a hobby. But i'm geting on in years with a disability. But as we all know our Orchids come first. And how I just love to grow them as there is alway something new. I prefer the difficult to grow Orchids though I have Odonts Cattleya Phalaonopsis Vanda Bulbophyyllum and at the moment a Flask of leafless orchids. So have great day
Hi and welcome!
Sounds like you enjoy a challenge! By leafless, do you mean permanently leafless or those who haven't yet gotten their leaves? Just curious. Hope you have fun posting and will be willing to give us all advice when we need it. : )
Sit back and postings of other members and feel free to interact and voice your experiences in growing orchids
We love pictures...please post some of your blooms