Hello to everyone, hopefully I will learn how to use this site correctly. Already wrote to you once but I don't know where it went!!!
Anyway Orchids are new to me I have only been interested in orchids for the last 2 years but I have about 70 orchid plants mostly mounted with some in pots. I have 4 Vanda's which I have had for 18 months and not had any luck with them to re-flower so far. I will take some pictures when my orhids come into flower and post them on the site (hopefully.) I am sure I will need some help off a number of expert members in the future.
Yes, it's definately nice to see another Brit around I'm no expert with these guys, but, Vandas need a huge amount of light to re-flower, maybe that's the problem.....
Welcome & Hello !
Vandas can rebloom twice a year but most of the new hybrids can bloom several times a year because they were created for the florists who need cut flowers for their arrangements. It would be nice to see the pictures and also list them in your profile acording to the tags.
Welcome, Lynette! My only real experience with vandas has been with hybrids (Rhs Lou Sneary and Ascda Ashley Lowe) as I don't have a lot of space. Before I gave them as gifts, both of these loved 3-4 hours of direct morning sun (but be careful in the winter when the sun is more intense). They also bloomed best when in the warmest spots of the window, so temperature could be another factor to consider.
One more thing on the vandas - they typically are pretty heavy feeders, especially when in active growth. I'd start by addressing light first (most common factor when plants don't rebloom), then maybe look into fertilizer. Good luck!