Saying Hello!
Hello everyone!
I am a new member. I recieved a phalaenopsis last year and I was scared because I'm typically not good with plants. But I guess having the "idea" that it was more challenging made me a bit more attentive. Now I'm in love ;D I've wanted to get another for a while, but I'm a student and can't really justify spending the money. Until today, I was at Home Depot and saw a phal that had totally been neglected, but I thought I could save it, so I asked the salesperson if they could reduce the price. I got it for $4 since he totally thought it was about to die. It didn't have root rot since it was actually totally dried out. There were alot of dead roots, but there were still alot that were green. I'm excited to see how this turns out. I repotted it (it pretty much wasn't even potted when I got it... the pot was about 1/4 filled with potting medium, and the roots were just sitting on top!) And I've got a bag around it to help with the humidity.
One question though... It is flowering, but I was wondering if I should cut off the spike, or see what happens. It would be awesome if I didn't have to cut the flowers off (they're really pretty!). Any opinions?
Thanks and nice to meet everyone!!