Orchids Down Under
Hi - I have recently joined Orchid Board. I live in Melbourne, Australia. I have been growing orchids for about 35+ years. I have a small retail orchid nursery in Melbourne's south east. I have a mixed collection of genera, primarily cymbidiums but about 15 other genera as well. I am changing directions in what I grow. I want to concentrate on growing fragrant cymbidiums, spotted and striped cymbids, primary hybrids, species and hybrids with canaliculatum and madidum in their background. I am a member of four societies, an associate judge with both the Orchid Societies Council of Victoria (OSCOV) and the Cymbidium Orchid Society of Victoria (COSV). I am also on the guest speakers register for Victoria. I have had a couple of articles published in orchid magazines. I would love to her from anyone who has flasks of fragrant cymbids. available.